The purpose of minification is to increase the speed of a website. They will also combine their many style files into one file. The 'best practice' of many developers is to maintain a 'beautified' version, and when rolling out their project will run the styles through a minification program.

It also makes the CSS more difficult to read. These elements are not required for CSS to be used successfully.
#Minify css code#
Minifying CSS takes the beautified, well formed CSS code that you have written and removes whitespace, eliminates new lines, strips comments, combines files, and optimizes/shortens a few common programming patterns.

Feel free to use this tool for your css codes and make your website or app load as quickly as possible. This is a free tool and does the job in a few seconds so you don't have to do it manually. You can minify, beautify, compile LESS and compile SCSS.

We offer few css tools to make your css code less messier and compress to minimum codes so it would load faster. That's not only for end users, search engines also give priority to a website that is well optimized and takes less time to render. To do that you need to follow few steps, one of the things is compressing and minifying your css code. Did you know that minifying css is one of the basic optimization you need to do in order to make your web site or app search engine and user-friendly? A research found out that if a website takes more than three seconds to load, 60% of the time the visitor bail on it and move on to another website? So making your website or app load faster is a crucial thing.